When your golden years arrive, you may be wondering how you’ll find friends. After all, you deserve to live a more fulfilled life, no matter what age you are. These strategies might be useful to expand your social circle.
Volunteer for a Cause
The benefits of volunteering include improved mental health, regular exercise, expanding your social circle and a chance to help those less fortunate. Besides this, you might gain meaning and a sense of purpose. You can volunteer by joining a community garden, helping out at a pet shelter, doing a charity walk or run, or serving food to the homeless at a soup kitchen, among others.
Know Your Neighbors
If you live next to people, you might want to get to know your neighbors. For example, retirement communities offer opportunities for socialization and activities to participate in. No matter where you live, you can be friendly with others in various ways. For instance, try baking a dish and sending it as a gift. You can also take your dog for a walk to start a conversation.
Join a Religious Group
You have an opportunity to find real friends at church or temple by attending church services or joining a religious group. They may offer senior field trips, picnics, game day, choir or plenty of other adult groups. Further, there might be exercise and fitness classes you can join especially for older adults. By joining a religious group, you can find friends with similar beliefs and hobbies.
Sign Up for a Class
Taking a class gives you a chance to learn something new and socialize. Besides this, you’ll meet people with similar goals and interests. Classes you can sign up for include painting, pottery, foreign languages, drawing and many more. Gain valuable skills and knowledge, and exercise your brain at the same time. Additionally, remember to have fun and enjoy the experience.
Do Activities You Enjoy
If you already know what you love to do, you can get more involved in your current interests. A spiritual person can take yoga classes, while a nature lover may want to walk along a nature trail. A few other ideas are taking golf lessons, playing Chess or eating at your favorite restaurant.
No matter how old you may be, you can still find opportunities to be social. Staying positive is essential to living a better life and being in good health. Let every challenge in your life make you a stronger person.
by Kara Masterson
Article source: https://www.ageinplace.org/Blog/Post/5372/Five-Strategies-to-Expand-Your-Social-Circle-in-Your-Golden-Years